A little bit of Chile

 Hi! In today’s post I’m going to talk about a place that I would like to visit again in Chile. 

I haven’t known so many places in the country, but one that I really enjoyed visiting and I would definitely visit again is Iquique. I travelled there in 2019 when I was 15 years old. 

I visited Iquique with my parent’s friends, who know each other at my school. So on this trip I travelled with 4 families. In total we were 13 people and we rented 3 departments at the same condominium. 

To get to iquique we all had to go on the same plane and when we arrived we took the same van. Always together because only one family knows Iquique and for the others it was our first time.

We went for only three days, so we tried to do as much as possible in Iquique. We went to the Humberstone and Santa Laura saltpeter works, Pica and La Tirana. 

We also go to Baquedano street, Prat square and Zofri Mall.

From the moment I travelled to Iquique my love for Chumbeques was born. So one of the things that I enjoyed was eating this. Besides, I also love the architecture of the place and all the history behind this place.

That’s all for today's post, see you in the next one!!


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